Being Lovers

Being Lovers. Living with an Open Heart

IsBeing Lovers

“Where there is great love, there are always miracles.”

Willa Cather

What is a great love?

Is it a bond that grows and deepens over time? Is it the affection spurred by a beloved place, cause, person? Or perhaps the tenderness that wells up in our chest when we see a stranger perform an act of altruism? The softening of our eyes and hearts when we enter an old growth forest? 

All of the above!

How can one word encompass so many meanings? This is what we’ll explore in this Saturday’s session: how to deepen in this “orientation of the heart” that helps us transcend our small self and fills us with vitality and meaning.

Love is a dynamic mystery: more verb than noun; more between than within; more present than past and future, and as much starting point as destination.

We’ll dive into this fertile territory with carefully selected ancient and brand new practices and invitations.

Will you come along?


December 7th, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM GMT


One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:

Sign up here!

    Being Dancer

    Being Dancers! Living with Sensuality

    Being Dancer

    Do you ever ask your body how it feels about a person, a place, an activity, a decision? Do you ask it if it’s got enough energy to go to that party, if it needs to move, or go out for a walk, after so many hours of screen time? Do you invite it to dance to your favorite music? Do you listen to what it whispers to you at night, when everyone is asleep?

    Our body is a reservoir of truths, intuitions, knowledge and unique and exquisite sensations. But like any good friend, if we ignore it for too long, it will be become frustrated, angry, and eventually, recoil from us (expressing its discontent in pain or other symptoms). At the very least, it will resist cooperating with our demands, no matter how reasonable we may find them.

    The journey from the mind to the body can be the most fruitful you  ever undertake. Unsuspected reserves of beauty, meaning and vitality await you, if you venture out to meet it with an open heart.

    Shall we taket this journey together?

    Looking forward to seeing you!


    November 2nd, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM GMT


    One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


    U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:

    Sign up here!

      Being Creators

      Being Creators! Living with Imagination

      Being Creators

      If the universe is exuberantly creative and innovative in all of its forms, shapes and creatures, how could we possibly be otherwise?

      Quantum physics, and cutting-edge findings from biology and other sciences reveal a universe that is alive, complex, mysterious, and connected in all its parts. And are we not, in fact, the universe in miniature? What levels of understanding, wisdom, power and beauty can we achieve, if we can let go of limiting ideas and preconceptions about who we are, and what we are capable of creating or becoming?

      We invite you to take part in a deep exploration of one of this most vitalising of archetypes; the very force that gave birth to our bodies, feeds our imaginations, and invites us to fly high and reinvent the world day after day, for the sheer joy of doing so!

      Hope to you on Saturday, with a heart full of curiosity and delight 💫✨⚡


      September 28th, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM GMT


      One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


      U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:

      Sign up here!

        Being Children

        Being Children

        Being Children

        What does it say about a society that calling someone ‘childish’ is an insult?

        We might conclude that our culture demands that adults be serious, productive, responsible and, let’s say it, conform to the norm. As children, we were unique, one-of-a-kind beings. But as we grew up, some of that shine and authenticity went underground, in order to accepted and fit in.

        Many of us must go back to our earliest years to find our full, undiluted essence. Not because childhood was a pristine and perfect time, but because it is, perhaps, the last time we allowed ourselves to be so fully ourselves.

        Fortunately, the children we were are alive and kicking, anxiously waiting for us to call them out to express themselves, feel fully, and play to their hearts’ content!

        In this Saturday’s session, we’ll explore the qualities of this vital archetype. Among them, the capacity for enjoyment, simplicity, spontaneity, authenticity, creativity, vulnerability, awe, and also, of course, magic!

        Roald Dahl writes: ‘”And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”

        Here’s find that magic together!


        August 31st, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM GMT


        One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


        U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:

        Sign up here!

          Being heroes

          Being heroes

          Being heroes

          Do you feel that the word ‘hero’ or ‘heroine’ is far removed from you and your life? This is only natural, as it’s traditionally been used to describe people who acted alone, risked life and limb for strangers, and acted with reckless self-abandon.

          This definition doesn’t reflect a rich range of actions that people take, quietly and far from any fanfare, in pursuit of something they hold sacred.

          Today’s world urgently needs us to activate our courage, practice discernment, and act in defense of what’s most dear to us.

          Can this kind of courage be cultivated? Definitely! And it results in a rich, full life, inspired by the beacon of purpose.

          Courage also has concrete effects on our personal lives: it allows us to act on behalf of our own neglected goals, and to create a life that we’ve only dreamed of.

          Acting with boldness is not exclusive to superheroes; it’s a prerogative of our essential nature. And it can be a more humble and everyday choice than we imagine.

          In this Saturday’s workshop, we’ll explore the hero archetype, and invite its gifts into our lives.

          Looking forward to seeing you there!


          July 27th, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM GMT


          One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


          U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:

          Sign up here!

            The Adventurer

            The Adventurer

            The Adventurer

            Do you love to travel more than anything else? Do you dream of climbing mountains, crossing deserts, visiting the world’s most impressive museums? Do you dream of exploring uncharted lands and learning the language of the locals? Would you love to have a time machine and travel back to 1800, or 2080?

            If any of these scenarios light up your soul, chances are the Adventurer archetype describes you, and you live for the opportunity to embark on a new exploration of body or soul.

            The question is: Is there only adventure when we go far from home?

            The answer is: no!

            To be adventurous we don’t need to use a compass, we need to change the way we think, look and live. Says author and entrepreneur Eliot Peper: “Everything important is uncertain. Sitting with the discomfort of that uncertainty is the hard part, the wedge that can move the world.”

            We look forward to “travelling with you” into wild new, undiscovered terrain!


            May 25th, 9 AM PST / 12 PM EDT / 4 PM GMT


            One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


            U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:


            Sign up here!

              Being Wild

              The Wild One in You

              Being Wild

              It doesn’t matter if you live on a busy city street, drive your car to work and buy your food in a store: wildness is all around you. Look aroun! The dandelion growing through the crack in the pavement, the bird singing on the branch, the tree on which the bird stands, the air that is keeping all of them alive, the sun that allows you to see them. All of them are wild forces, and so are you!

              Wildness is that primordial, unbounded energy that expresses itself in our bodies as emotions, desires, dreams, impulses, and sometimes -when its flow is too tightly blocked or impeded- in symptoms.

              Our bodies yearn to move, to be outdoors, to connect meaningfully with a small group of familiar people, to exchange care and affection with them, to feel part of a living, thriving community.

              Life today may be safer and more comfortable than that of our ancestors, but it’s also more isolated, sedentary and disconnected from the natural environment of which we’re an integral part.

              This separation saddens us, saps our strength, and sometimes even makes us sick.

              Do we need to go and live in the woods or the mountains to regain this sense of kinship and belonging?

              No! We need to reconnect with the Nature that we are, at all times, and also with the wildness that surrounds us, and reminds us of the life-thirsty creatures that we are.

              Join us this Saturday to explore an essential archetypefor for our times: the Wild One who longs to live in freedom and authenticity in this many splendored world!


              April 27th, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST / 5 PM GMT


              One monthly online session, via Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


              U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to your possibility, and in accordance with the value you feel you receive. Please make your contribution via Paypal to the following address:


              Sign up here!

                Sings the River

                Sings the River

                Sings the River

                “There is a force within you that gives you life – seek that.”


                Ebbs and flows, forward motion, depth, meandering course, unceasing change: it’s no wonder musicians, writers, philosophers and preachers have seen in rivers a rich metaphor for life. Its dynamism mirrors the life force that pushes the tides, drives salmon to swim upstream to spawn, makes clouds erupt in downpour when the atmosphere reaches its peak and encourages dandelions to break through a crack in the pavement to release its seeds into the wind.

                In humans this force expresses itself in even more mysterious ways. It’s the energy that drives us to discover continents, explore the bottom of the ocean, expel ourselves from the only planet we know, create poems and murals and symphonies, open our hearts a thousand times, unfold and grow, and also, in dark times, to get out of bed and face a new day.

                Wisdom traditions gave this Mystery its name. Hinduism called it prana (“vital principle”), Chinese medicine postulated chi, the raw material of health and vitality, and Tao (supreme principle that brings order and unity to the universe). In America it was k’uh, among the Mayas; camaquen, among the Incas. At the beginning of the 20th century, the French philosopher Henri Bergson baptized it élan vital.

                Medicine and psychology speak of “vitality,” a virtue expressed as vigorous enthusiasm for life, and one of the five character strengths most closely associated with life satisfaction (the other four are hope, gratitude, curiosity and love).

                Vitality has been increasingly studied over the last few years, because research reveals that it is a key component of health, longevity, immunity, and the quality of relationships.

                Being alive is a biological fact, but feeling fully alive is a state of being. We all experience moments of vitality, moments of feeling the river of life flowing through our body and heart. If we consciously cultivate this state, if we string together living moments like beads on a necklace, this state can gradually become our baseline; a new personality trait.

                To expand, strengthen and cultivate these states, we will turn to a powerful technique called “mythic imagination”. What is mythic imagination? It’s the ability to create, interpret and connect with mythic stories and symbols, ancient narratives that express profound truths about the nature of life.

                The mythic imagination is inherently creative and opens a portal for self-discovery, personal growth and transformation.

                In the journey we will take together, we will explore ten “Archetypes of Aliveness”. An archetype is an image that lives in the Collective Unconscious, and that drives impulses, emotions and energy. Although it’s represented in different ways in each culture, its essence speaks to us all.

                We will use a kaleidoscope – an “artifact to look at beautiful things”-, which we will rotate to focus on one archetype at a time.

                Each month, we will explore one figure experientially; from the Cosmonaut to the Sage. We will look through their eyes, unfold their gifts, soak in their energy, and use it to ignite the specific and unique transformation that eagerly awaits in each of our hearts.

                Archetypes of Aliveness:

                1. CosmonautsLiving in infinity
                2. Wild OnesLiving with freedom
                3. AdventurersLiving with risk
                4. MysticsLiving with presence
                5. HeroesLiving with courage
                6. DancersLiving with sensuality
                7. ChildrenLiving with delight
                8. CreatorsLiving with imagination
                9. Wise OnesLiving with humility
                10. Lovers Living in love

                Said the brave Helen Keller:
                “Life is a bold adventure, or it is nothing.”

                So be it!

                Let’s say a resounding “Yes” to the adventure of our lives, together!


                March 30th, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST / 5 PM GMT


                One monthly online session, through Zoom. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.


                U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:


                Sign up here!

                  Sings the River!

                  Gratefulness: The Master Key to Vitality

                  Choose Aliveness! -Giving thanks

                  “It is not happiness that makes us grateful. It is being grateful that makes us happy. Every moment is a gift,” says the wise and luminous Brother David Steindl-Rast.

                  But gratitude is much more than a path to wellbeing and joy, it is a true potion of aliveness!

                  If being alive is a biological fact, feeling alive is a choice. And practicing daily gratitude is a way to experience each moment with fullness of body, mind, heart and soul.

                  What does it mean to “practice gratitude”?

                  As we will see in a session chock-full of practices, gratefulness is much more than just saying “thank you” when something good happens. Its invitation is broad and deep; nothing less than a summons to transform the very essence of our lives.

                  If you’re keen to begin 2024 by sowing seeds of vitality and a joyful intimacy with life, I invite you to join us!

                  We look forward to seeing you! 🤸🏻‍♀️

                  When: December 6th, 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST / 5 PM GMT


                  Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

                  Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

                  Sign up here!

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                  Choose Aliveness! - Be The Sun!

                  Be the Sun!

                  Choose Aliveness! - Be The Sun!

                  The “elated” emotions such as joy, enthusiasm, hope, and even ecstasy, are often seen as pleasurable distractions fro real life, with its myriad demands, frustrations and sorrows. It is understandable that we think this way, as it’s what we’ve been taught, and what has been largely espoused by religions, philosophical traditions and, until recently, science.
                  But thinking this way is not without consequence: it offers us a truncated vision of life and robs us of a rich store of experiences, hopes and aspirations.
                  This Saturday’s workshop will counter this by exploring a treasure trove of practices to root our days in a more complete, truthful and luminous palette. “I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it”, said the radiant Diane Ackerman. “I want to have lived the width of it as well.”

                  Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.
                  Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

                  Sign up here!

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