Choose Aliveness! - Say Yes!

Say Yes!

Choose Aliveness! - Say Yes!

“There is only one life
that you can call your own
and a thousand others you can call
by any name you like.”

David Whyte

We talk a lot about “purpose”, but we don’t always mean the same thing. Usually, the word refers to a mixture of vocational, social, political or religious goals or intentions. But there is in this word, in this archetype, a deeper, older, more essential meaning.

In this session we will explore the “ecological niche” that each of us came into this world to fill, the ways in which we are already occupying it, and the possibility of doing so each day with increasing excitement, meaning and fulfillment.

We look forward to diving into this 8th Key to Vitality: purpose as a question, purpose as an answer!

Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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Choose Aliveness! - Create the future

Create the future

Choose Aliveness! - Create the future

“That is our larger destiny: to allow the Earth to organize in a new way, in a manner impossible all the billions of years prior to humanity.”

Brian Swimme

We are energy in motion, a wondrous ebullience barely contained by certain forms, habits and customs, to which we grant an illusory continuity. When we become aware of this biological, psychological and existential fact, our lives are revealed as uncertain and indeterminate, and are blown up with space, vital force and possibility.

In tomorrow’s sessio, we will look at ways in which we can predict the future, by creating it! We will draw on practices and exercises of the imagination, and active engagement with the person we long to be.

We all have an appointment with ourselves, but we don’t always meet it. We invite you to join us in a group experience, in which the energy lift will lift us all, like birds in flight, to a present-future that brims with aliveness!

Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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Choose Aliveness! - Embracing your Shadow

Embracing your Shadow

Choose Aliveness! - Embracing your Shadow

“Both light and shadow are the dance of Love,” wrote the mystic poet Rumi eight centuries ago, and it is just as true today.

In depth psychology, “the Shadow” refers to those aspects of ourselves that we cannot see or accept as our own. But not seeing or accepting them does not make them disappear; on the contrary, they show up in our lives, and in the world with all the force of the Unconscious, and make decisions for us that we often regret.

When we approach them with courage and and open heart, they lose their sometimes frightening demeanor and reveal themselves for what they are: hurt, repressed or immature aspects or our psyche, that require our love and attention. Once we grant them what they need, they free up great stores of playful, creative and luminous energy to invigorate our lives.

Carl Jung, the father of depth psychology, assured:“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” In this Saturday’s session, we will the most effective practices for mining our shadow, taking our lives into our hands, and accessing a goldmine of vitality and autenticity.

Meet you there!

Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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Choose Aliveness! - Practising Courage

Practising Courage

Choose Aliveness! - Practising Courage

Courage was once thought to be what heroes displayed on the battlefield.

Today we know that life demands courage in much more subtle and everyday ways, that there are many ways to be brave, and that sometimes having the moral strength to refrain from taking action is the noblest act of courage.

In this month of deep exploration, we will see th eways in which courage beckons in our hearts, how we can cultivate it on a daily basis, and to what challenges it’s wise to apply it.

One question that will guide our path is: “Does making this decision expand me or diminish me?” The path of courage is the path of growth, and of making our lives all that they’re meant to be.

Join us, so we can grow courageously together!


Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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Choose Aliveness - Activating Love

Activating Love. Cultivating Connection

Choose Aliveness - Activating Love

Love is at the center of our yearnings, our striving, our highest highs and our lowest lows. It runs through our stories like silver thread, and often defines them.

But for all its importance, we know precious little about what love is, what it asks of us, and what practices and behaviors pave the way for it.

In this session we will explore a new vision of love, which focuses on what happens in our hearts and bodies in the presence of this essential, life-giving emotion.

We could say that this is the “Master Key” of the nine keys to vitality that make up this course, since it has the power to nourish and open up our heart, which is the center of our aliveness. We hope you will join us for this transformative adventure!


Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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Choose Aliveness - Playing with Life

Playing with Life

Choose Aliveness - Playing with Life

“The creation of something new is not achieved through the intellect, but by the instinct of play acting from an inner need. The creative mind plays with the object it loves,” said Carl Gustav Jung.

We celebrate the first part of the equation (creativity), but relegate the second (play) to the world of children, and dismiss it.

The truth is that play is an antidote to discouragement and apathy, a stimulus for brain development, and an elixir of youth.

To take advantage of this disposition of the soul – which in human beings has no expiration date – we will explore ways to integrate play into daily life, use it to achieve our goals and meet our challenges.

And we will learn a “key” to help us return to humor and lightness, whenever we need it.


When: Saturday 29th, 10 AM PT / 1 PM EST / 5 PM GMT

Format: Virtual. You receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.

Tuition: Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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Choose Aliveness - The Garden of Aliveness

The Garden of Aliveness

Choose Aliveness - The Garden of Aliveness

Welcome to “The Garden of Vitality. Nine Keys to Engaging with Life Fully”!

In this bold and lively ten-month exploration, we will learn nine practices for coming alive, finding joy, purpose and meaning, and developing intimacy with others, with the world, with ourselves.

Each key includes a specific practice, mantra, gesture, question and suggestions for applying it in different areas of life.

Although each key is powerful on its own, together, the nine keys create a symphony of vitality, embodied presence and power.

They also straddle two core components of aliveness: desire and surrender.

As we are at once individuals and part of a larger organism (humanity, Mother Earth, Life), our life force directs us both towards our highest personal expression and self-realization (desire), and to find our belonging through connecting with and nurturing the needs of others (surrender).

Here are the nine keys:

1. Open your eyes. Awaken awe.

2. Play with life. Create your adventure.

3. Activate love. Cultivate connection.

4. Feed the body. Nurture your inner animal.

5. Practice courage. Develop fortitude.

6. Cease the war. Embrace your shadow self.

7. Create the future. Live in possibility.

8. Say yes. Find your purpose.

9. Be the sun. Give yourself permission to shine.

10. Give thanks! Nourish a grateful heart.

I hope you will join in this journey of the body, the soul and the imagination!

Learn more about “The Garden of Aliveness”:

Format: Virtual. You receive the video, recording and notes after each meeting, and they are yours for life!

Frequency: Monthly session, on the last Saturday of the month.

Duration: From March to December. 

Launch: March 25th, 10 AM PDT / 1 PM EDT / 5 PM GMT.

Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:


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Choose Aliveness! Free Introductory Talk

“Choose Aliveness!” A free talk about the key paths to vitality

Choose Aliveness! Free Introductory Talk

What is the difference between living and breathing, and feeling radically alive?

How can we tell we if we’re being “in the world” or “of it”, trully and wholly belonging to it?

Can we aspire to grow more intimate with others, with ourselves, with every moment of our lives?

The answer to all three questions lies at the heart of this year’s course “The Garden of Aliveness”, which present nine keys to unlock nine portals to enlivenment.

In this free and open talk, we will present some key ideas proposed both by wisdom teachings and scientific research, which point the way to a life of full engagement.

We’ll also include some questions and practices that guide us into this inner garden, in the company of like-hearted seekers.

Hope you’ll join us 🌿

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Workshop. The activist

The Activist

Workshop. The activist

Archetypes of Transformation

What do you think of when you hear the word “Activist”?

Does it inspire you, provoke you, challenge you, describe you? 

Perhaps your mind immediately conjurs up the image of a person waving a sign on a protest march, writing endless emails, or petitioning the authorities for one worthy cause or another.

All of these actions fit the archetype, but they don’t encompass it.

With the world on the brink of climate disaster, and so many other social and environmental ills to take on, it might seem that the time is ripe for anger and outrage. But outrage will only get us so far.

Please join us this Saturday for a deep exploration of what a contemporary version of the Activist can offer us: from deep spiritual underpinnings, to a full range of emotions, to full-fledged creativity and inspiration!

Come meet our community of seekers and finders, movers and shakers, and all around lovely people from around the world. We’ll love to see you there!

Tuition: U$D 25 to $ 50. It’s offered on a sliding scale so that you can choose according to your possibility, and also in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

Hope to see you there!

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Workshop. The Lighthouse

The lighthouse

Workshop. The Lighthouse

Archetypes of Transformation

The Lighthouse is the energy that we express when we connect with that which wants to be born in us, through us, for the good of all.

It is the force of the visionary, the innovator, the pioneer, and it lives at the dawn of every new creation. As every archetype, it has specific qualities that can be learned and nurtured, and also shadow sides to be on the lookout for.

In this session, we will explore what it takes to give birth to visions, projects, initiatives, and aspects of ourselves that have only visited us in dreams.

Tuition: U$D 25 to $ 50. It is offered on a sliding scale, so that you can choose according to your possibility, and also in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

Hope to see you there!

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