Be the Sun!

Choose Aliveness! - Be The Sun!

The “elated” emotions such as joy, enthusiasm, hope, and even ecstasy, are often seen as pleasurable distractions fro real life, with its myriad demands, frustrations and sorrows. It is understandable that we think this way, as it’s what we’ve been taught, and what has been largely espoused by religions, philosophical traditions and, until recently, science.
But thinking this way is not without consequence: it offers us a truncated vision of life and robs us of a rich store of experiences, hopes and aspirations.
This Saturday’s workshop will counter this by exploring a treasure trove of practices to root our days in a more complete, truthful and luminous palette. “I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it”, said the radiant Diane Ackerman. “I want to have lived the width of it as well.”
Format: Online. You will receive the audio, video and notes to keep for a lifetime.
Tuition: U$D 30 to $ 50. Choose your donation according to possibility, and in relation to the value you feel you receive. You can make the payment via Paypal, to the following address:

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